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Project: JAN14: RYK…

RYK Featured Image

RYK FINAL v1 (animation)
RYK Final (2014)

So, out of my F2-13 series came an idea for something else. RYK (Red|Yellow|Black) started as an experiment with a sumi brush and 3 colors that evolved into playing with animation and process.

I’ve had an obsession with sumi brushes for a while, just the character of the line and finding that perfect black to go with it is just amazing.

I’d read somewhere, in Japanese calligraphy every stroke matters, every spatter is there for a reason, and when I use the brushes I keep that mindfulness.

RYK was initially an experimentation with the strokes and the basic color until it evolved into it’s own vocabulary.

The initial idea started out fairly simply, but as it started animating in my head the brush and ink evolved into digital and figuring out how to translate it, and then finally into a production.

RYK 001 (2014)

Each piece became an exploration of the process and watching something being created.

RYK 002 (2014)

I believe this was mostly done using Procreate.

RYK 003 (2014)

I think the fact they ultimately turned out so short precipitated the need to create a larger project to fit them together.

RYK 004 (2014)

I’d been trying to do more in After Effects and used it to edit everything together, creating the branded front end.

RYK Music Video (2014)

Music was “composed” in FL Studio. With previous tracks I’d just been posting the music, but wanted a visual element, so played the music in Windows Media Player and recorded the screen, then edited the two together in Adobe Premiere.

The complexity of the figures builds and is punctuated by a bit of humor when a small splash of blue is introduced into one unexpectedly, or rather that was the intention. But, also I had to remind myself to stick to the original vocabulary and not deviate…lol…

Thank you for getting this far, I hope you enjoyed it.

There’s merch based on this project in the shop.

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