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Story: Monkey with a Gun

Monkey with a Gun –

Monkey with a Gun –

It was a quarter past six

in the early morning sun

When the cry rang out,

“Monkey with a Gun!”

You see, it was

a chimpanzee

that had escaped to the top 

of a very tall tree,

In that early morning sun,

No one knew just where that

Monkey got a gun

But it was up to Bob –

Caretaker Bob,

for it was his job

to bring down 

that monkey with a gun –

Before the gathered crowd,

that had not the sense to run,

In that now early afternoon sun,

Caretaker Bob scaled the fence

to reach the branch of the tree

where sat the chimpanzee,

In the early afternoon sun,

Looking at the people below

who hadn’t the sense to run,

but who gawked and pointed at

the monkey with a gun –

Poor old Bob,

Caretaker Bob,

Whose job it was 

to climb the tree

& try to get that chimpanzee

He reached the top,

In the late afternoon sun,

of the tree, where sat that chimpanzee

While at the bottom the crowd,

that didn’t have the sense to run,

watched brave Bob approach that

Monkey with a gun

He approached slowly,

Spoke sweetly

Promised that monkey anything,

Beneath that late afternoon sun,

When a shot rang out with a thunderous BANG

And old Bob,

Poor old Bob, 

Whose job it was to scale that fence

And climb that tree

To try and get that chimpanzee

Fell –

He fell from the tippy-top of

that very tall tree

Like a sack of flour

He landed 

In front of …me

He lay still and broken,

In that early evening sun,

And you know that crowd that didn’t have the sense to run?

Ran –

I stood and watched them,

In that early evening sun,

I watched them scatter & run

for suddenly they realized,

In that early evening sun,

That that Monkey had a Gun!

Poor old Bob was laid to rest

the very next day,

In the early morning sun,

Shot dead by that

Monkey with a Gun

And you may ask

what did happen

to that chimpanzee

that sat so very high

way up in that tree

from early morning

in the bright daylight sun –

Well no one knows you see,

For he got down out of that tree

and disappeared,

that monkey with a gun disappeared,

In that late evening sun –

So listen close and please pay heed

to my tale –

For if ever comes the time in

the early morning sun,

That you hear some one shout 

‘Monkey with a Gun!’

Remember this story

And remember Old Bob,

Who was laid to rest in 

the early morning sun,

After being shot dead by that 

Monkey with a gun –

If it falls to you

Whose job, like Poor Old Bob,

it is to scale that fence

and climb that tree

To try and get that chimpanzee

I suggest you remember

it took just one shot

by that chimpanzee

to knock Poor Old Bob

Out of that tree

and to fall to the ground in front

of me

In that late afternoon sun –

I would suggest at the very 

mention of

‘Monkey with a Gun!’

That you run

The opposite direction

and remember that one shot,

in the late afternoon sun,

and assume that that monkey

still has bullets in that gun –

(a poem I wrote back in 1995(?)…I had a Seuss-ical cadence bouncing around in my head and the words started coming together…)

Thanks for reading!

  • todd
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